Friday, April 29, 2011

Gator removal

In the backyard, we had a gator that was entirely too comfortable around people. So I called MDWFP to come remove it. 2 men from there came out yesterday evening to catch it. After locating the gator under the dock, they tried to lure it out. I don’t have a picture of them doing this, but I so wish I did! 2 grown men laying belly down on a dock with their heads hanging inches above the water trying to find the gator that was right under them. They finally caught the gator, got it on land, and did the whole wrestle it to get its mouth taped shut. I asked them if I could take a picture of it. He said Sure! then asked if I wanted to sit on it! After my initial response of “say what now???”, I jumped over the fence and went to sit on this 6 ft live alligator.
As the conservation officer was taking the picture, I felt the gator take a deep breath, then all its muscles in its neck under my hands started tensing up…. It jerked backward (with me still riding it) and whipped its tail around!! I screamed like a little girl, and of course, Mr MDWFP snapped the picture:
It finally settled down enough to let me off so Bryan could take a picture with it.
It was an exciting night around the Walker house last night! But so much fun!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter weekend

This past weekend was a busy one! Sunday was not only Easter, but it was also Hunter’s birthday. So we both got to blow out candles on our cakes then we went out to hunt Easter eggs. 


easter1 easter6

When Bryan and I got home, we went out on the boat. These are some pics from a couple of days of boat rides in the evening.

boat1 boat2

boat5 boat6

And we have wildlife that lives in the channel behind the house. Some are better to have around than others…

boat8 turtle


Friday, April 22, 2011


I’ve never been very good at waiting. And right now, I’m waiting on 2 things, both of which are not very important in the grand scheme of things, but nonetheless, I’m still waiting.

I finally complained enough about my crappy camera that Bryan took the hint and is letting me use his camera instead. Now, I just need a card reader, and I can start putting pics up again!

I have finally picked out pictures from the wedding, and my photographer is going to be putting some on Facebook soon. Can’t wait!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The View

While Bryan was fishing, I walked along the park beside the house to admire the view. It is amazing how beautiful and serene water can be at sunset. It makes me happy :)


Monday, April 18, 2011

Trying Windows Live Writer

I’m trying out Writer to see if it’s as easy as I keep hearing. 


These are my rose bushes from Belhaven.

Writer is really easy to use. And I love that there are more fonts!

Fishing in the backyard

One of the most exciting things (to Bryan) about living on the water is not having to leave the backyard to go fishing . On Saturday, we worked for awhile cleaning out the garage which was so loaded with boxes, we could hardly walk through it. Then we worked in the yard cutting down all sorts of underbrush. While we were close to the water, he noticed some fish circling. So the yardwork was finished... he was running to grab a fishing pole. His very first cast, he caught a crappie.

And he was so excited!! He ended catching 2 more, plus another couple fish, and a small catfish. Tonight, we're eating fish for dinner!

Here's a picture of what we did in just a few minutes. Lots more to go!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The new commute

So a downfall of moving into the new house is the commute to work. Instead of being able to walk to work in the same amount of time it takes to drive all of 1 mile to work, we now have to brave Lakeland Drive. On Monday, the first drive home, it was raining like crazy. The girl next to me slammed on brakes and slid/swerved into my door. Bryan was behind me and said she shoved me over half a lane. Somehow, there wasn't anybody in the lane beside me (on Lakeland, in rush hour traffic), or it could have been alot worse! Nothing major, but I have a lovely dent and scratched paint.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


We had Mom's surprise birthday party at the Braves game on Monday night. Several of her friends came, and we were all so proud of Dad for actually keeping the secret!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Super busy weekend!

All last week I was at a cancer research conference in Orlando. Most of the time, we were at the Orange County Convention Center (which was ginormous!), but we also had some fun. The girls stayed an extra day to go to Universal Studios. We had a great time! Even talked one of the girls into riding a roller coaster with me :)

I got back on Friday, and we started moving on Saturday. Just a couple loads and cleaning up since it was Bryan's birthday. Bridget and Ryan were in town, and we all went to the Braves game then went back to the house for surprise ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. 

Sunday was spent moving!!! Mom, Dad, Uncle Mark, and Aunt Cindy all came to help pack up the Belhaven house and move us into the new house. With everybody helping, it only took a few hours to get everything unloaded. However... there will be many more hours spent trying to find/place things. I'm still not sure where my bag that I bring to work everyday is! And there are boxes running along every wall. But there's furniture!!!

Alas, in the missing bag is my camera connection. So once I find it, I'll put some pictures up of Orlando and the Braves game!